The Japanese Way To Find The Meaning Of Your Life

What is Ikigai

'Ikigai,' which translates as 'life purpose,' sounds intimidating, but it does not have to be the sole purpose of a person's life. In fact, the word life is more closely associated with daily life. In other words, ikigai can be about the joy a person experiences on a daily basis, without which their life as a whole would be unhappy.' – Akihiro Hasegawa (Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist), from Yukari Mitsuhashi's book IKIGAI - Giving Everyday Meaning And Joy.
What you Love?
Working at a job that you enjoy has a greater impact on your life than you may realize.
Given that we spend one-third of our days at work, shouldn't we spend it doing something enjoyable?
What the world needs?

You have talents that complement your unique personality.
Your gift does not always have to be a skill. Your one-of-a-kind story, a lesson, or a message that needs to be shared with the world could be your gift.

What you can be paid for?

Your money-making skills will evolve over time.
There are no hard and fast rules in this post, as there are in life.
Everything is subject to evolution and change.

What you’re good at?
There are several methods for determining what you are good at.
When you perform a task better than 80% of the rest of the population, you are considered above average.
How it works?

Step by step

The traditional and enduring Japanese way of life represented by ikigai may have much to offer our modern way of life. Ikigai is personal and unique to each of us, representing the intersection of our mission, vocation, and professional lives. So, how can it be measured?

Step 1. Take the assesment

Take a short assignment designed by IKIGAI professionals which will allow you to identify your Ikigai

Step 2. Analyze the result

Based on your assement we will present your Ikigai to you which you need to analyse and make changes to you life.

While there are no quick fixes in ikigai, small changes can lead to profound transformation in our lives over time.

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